Manage your Libby, Apple Book, and Kindle highlights

ReadShape is the easiest way to manage your Libby, Apple Book, and Kindle highlights.

See how ReadShape works

Import your highlights

Libby, Apple Book, and Kindle highlights are all welcome!

Read your books, whether it's on Kindle, Apple Books, or Libby, and sync your highlights & notes with ReadShape.

  • Import from any device

    No matter if it's a Kindle Paperwhite, iPad Mini, or an Android phone.

  • Automatic decoupling

    Don't fear importing the same highlighted text twice.

Manage your Kindle, Libby, & Apple Book highlights

Manage your highlights

Edit, Organize, and Search your highlights

With all your Libby, Apple Book, and Kindle highlights all in one place you are able to easily edit the highlighted text, organize, and use search to instantly find your highlights.

  • Edit your highlights

    Edit your Libby, Apple Book, and Kindle highlights

  • Organize your highlights

    Organize your highlights any way you see fit

  • Search your highlights

    Search to instantly find the highlight you're looking for

Daily reviews

Never again forget what you read

Each day we will deliver you a personalized stack of your highlights for you to swipe through. It only takes a minute and it's designed to deliver only the most relevant highlights.

  • Daily freshness

    Each day a fresh stack of highlights

  • Expertly designed

    Designed to include only the most relevant highlights

Export your highlights to other apps

Export your highlights

We integrate with your favorite apps!

We're from the land of legos, so we know how to make all the pieces connect.

You're able to effortlessly connect with and export your Libby, Apple Book, and Kindle highlights to apps such as Notion and more.

  • Export your highlights

    Export your Libby, Apple Book, and Kindle highlights to apps such as Notion

  • Automatic exports

    ReadShape will automatically sync your highlights when you import them or update them.